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101: nTop Essentials

101: nTop Essentials

Get started on the basics of nTop and test your knowledge

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About this course

This course will take you through the basics of nTop to help get you started on your own journey of exploration of the software.  After the completion of the course, you will have developed an understanding of the concept of implicit modeling, which is the basis of nTop's core technology.  You will also gain familiarity with some of the key operations and best practices that will enable you to work faster and more efficiently within our software.

Prerequisites: None

What will be covered:

  • Introduction to nTop and the fundamentals of implicit modeling
  • Working with Blocks and Notebooks to build workflows
  • Key basic operations

About this course

This course will take you through the basics of nTop to help get you started on your own journey of exploration of the software.  After the completion of the course, you will have developed an understanding of the concept of implicit modeling, which is the basis of nTop's core technology.  You will also gain familiarity with some of the key operations and best practices that will enable you to work faster and more efficiently within our software.

Prerequisites: None

What will be covered:

  • Introduction to nTop and the fundamentals of implicit modeling
  • Working with Blocks and Notebooks to build workflows
  • Key basic operations